At 4U Hostel Granada we invite you to discover our restaurant. At the helm of the cookers, Jesús Zapico.


Asturian-Granadian chef. Young and with 15 years of experience in the sector.


Very interested in seasonal products, in elaborations that give flavour and category to the dishes.


At Hostel 4U we like to live life differently, so in our Cocktail Bar you can enjoy classic cocktails, our own elaborations or select coffees with multiple recipes and ways of drinking them with the ILLY brand.

Our chef perfectly fits the 4U style, a traditional cuisine and always with our stamp.


Apart from enjoying an excellent chef, you can hold your events or private meetings depending on your needs and number of people.


We have several menu and service options (table or cocktail service) and you can even enjoy free live music on Thursdays and Fridays.


A menu governed by 3 main values: tradition, flavour and identity.


In our restaurant you can enjoy two areas: a lounge harmonising the classic 16th century courtyard house.


Or a bar area for lovers of good food and socialising.


Do not hesitate to call us to book your lunch or dinner.

If you are not staying at the hotel, it doesn't matter!
At 4UHostel we welcome everyone.
